
中文 | 0510-80320108

0510-8032 0108


地  址 :江苏省无锡市宜兴经济开发区庆源大道88号景苑128创新产业园H1栋

联系人 :马总监 13901381925

邮  箱:mark.ma@nmxctx.com

电  话 :0510-8032 0108

传  真:0510-8032 0109

网  址:https://www.nmxctx.com

邮  编 :214213

OXALIS-laser 软件 Spir

  法国Oxalis-Laser公司的Commod Pro, ThermOpt, Spir激光软件用于对各类激光系统进行专业的物理光学模拟计算、热效应分析以及多程放大分析,是目前全球***专业 、*** 、***全面的激光模拟软件 。游艇会yth光电作为其在中国区的授权代理商 ,致力于在中国市场推广这款 的专业激光模拟软件,与广大中国用户共同发现并见证激光世界的丰富多彩。

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  General features and applications

  Spir is dedicated to 2D energy and gain profiles calculation in rod and slab amplifiers. Spir simulates transverse and longitudinal diode pumped system.

  The calculation of energy deposition is based on 3D ray tracing, Monte-Carlo method and non-sequential propagation. Spir takes into account amplifier specification such as absorption, Fresnel reflection, reflective coating, and Lambertian surface diffusion.

  Diodes are characterized by their emission spectrum, 3D divergence, power, spectral shift due to temperature… Batch and parametric calculation and result used in Commod Pro.

  System geometry can be built using basic optical elements such as cylinders, planes, ellipsis, parabolas...

  I/O characteristics

  PSY ASCII file containing system information.

  Binary file of the energy distribution.

  ASCII file of the energy distribution to be used in Commod Pro for example.

  BMP file (for image processing).

  Operating system

  Windows 98 / NT / 2000 / XP/ Seven.

  Spir Interface

  Spir interface is very intuitive, you get all information to build the pumping system and visualize outputs.


  Gain Profile

  Example of transverse gain profile obtained by a 5 diodes pumping system.



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